Universal Design For Learning Applied to Conceptual Math Foundations for Adult Learners

Poster Author(s):

Susan Jones


Parkland College

Some people have said, ā€œIf youā€™re doing it by yourself, itā€™s not Universal Design for Learningā€ (UDL).

However, one person can create materials to support instructors in making learning math more accessible.Ā Ā  This poster highlights some Ā principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Ā and some of the resources Iā€™ve created that can be shared on a poster.Ā  It features an example of a subtraction lesson from a very good open educational resource with suggestions for making it more cognitively accessible, as well as other images with links to corresponding lessons, and ideas for using Moodle to develop courses and quizzes. The materials were primarily created using open source resources such as Gnu Image Manipulation Program.


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